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No. 2224 Image No. 2224 Kay Guitar Company Mandolin - Vin 1937
Description: Body: Birch - Neck Wood: Basswood (Tilia, Linden, Lime) - String Instrument Finish: 2-Tone Shaded Burl
A Image A Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1921
Description: BROWN, ~~00011799
F- 4 Image F- 4 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1928
Description: RED SUNBURST, ~~00026509
Style L Mandolin-Banjo Image Style L Mandolin-Banjo Vega Mandolin - Vin 1921
Description: ~~00005509
A-50 Image A-50 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1938
Description: SUNBURST, SERIAL #95400, ~~00023479
B Image B Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1920
Description: HERRINGBONE TRIM, SERIAL #7238-8761, ~~00006739
Style B Image Style B Lyon & Healy USA Mandolin - Vin 1920
Description: MAPLE BACK/SIDES, ~~00015009
Style A Mandocello Image Style A Mandocello Lyon & Healy USA Mandolin - Vin 1920
Description: SCROLL PEGHEAD, ~~00074799
MAND-50 Deluxe Image MAND-50 Deluxe Kay Guitar Company Mandolin - Vin 1982 - 1983
Description: Top Wood: Spruce - # of Strings: 8
Style 115 Image Style 115 Washburn Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1900
Description: Back: Brazilian Rosewood (Jacaranda) - Sides: Brazilian Rosewood (Jacaranda)
A- 4 Image A- 4 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1927
Description: RED MAHOGANY, ~~00020008
A- 4 Image A- 4 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1920
Description: MAROON SUNBURST, ~~00018349
6A Image 6A Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1919
Description: BOWL BACK, ~~00029959
F- 4 Image F- 4 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1929
Description: RED SUNBURST, ~~00028159
A Image A Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1913
Description: BLOND TOP, SERIAL #13350-16100, ~~00014099
F- 4 Image F- 4 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1920
Description: RED SUNBURST, FLAMEY, FLORAL, SERIAL #53800-62200, ~~00039799
F- 2 Image F- 2 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1906
Description: 1906, BLACK TOP, ~~00027999
Style E Image Style E Washburn Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1923 - 1923
Description: Back: Brazilian Rosewood (Jacaranda) - Sides: Brazilian Rosewood (Jacaranda)
M-800 Image M-800 Aria Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1978 - 1990
Description: Body Construction: Solid - Back: Maple
A-C Century Image A-C Century Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1936
F- 2 Image F- 2 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1912
Description: BLACK TOP, SERIAL #10850-13350, ~~00027649
Alrite Style D Image Alrite Style D Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1918
Description: ORANGE, FLATTOP AND BACK, ~~00009419
A Image A Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1977
Description: SERIAL #26046-26101, ~~00006699
600 Image 600 Ibanez Mandolin - Vin 1981 - 1983
Description: Fingerboard: Maple - Frets: 25 - Soundhole: Round (Traditional)
Mandolin Image Mandolin Dobro Mandolin - Vin 1930 - 1939
Description: 1930-1939 Model. Sides: Walnut - Neck Wood: Walnut - Soundhole: F-Hole - String Instrument Finish: Sunburst
EM-150 Electric Image EM-150 Electric Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1966
Description: ~~00009899
Kalamazoo Image Kalamazoo Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1938
Description: SUNBURST, F-HOLES, SERIAL #95400, ~~00008229
Double Mandolin Image Double Mandolin Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1962
Description: SUNBURST, 2-NECK, ~~00055749
A- 4 Image A- 4 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1907
Description: 1907, BLACK TOP, ~~00020729
F- 5 Image F- 5 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1924
Description: FLOWERPOT INLAY, ~~00429809
A Image A Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1960
Description: ~~00006789
K- 4 Mandocello Image K- 4 Mandocello Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1916
Description: SUNBURST, FLAME MAPLE BACK/SIDES, ~~00058429
A-50 Image A-50 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1967
Description: SUNBURST
A- 3 Image A- 3 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1917
Description: NATURAL, SERIAL #32000-39500, ~~00017609
KM-1500 Master Image KM-1500 Master Kentucky Mandolin - Vin 1978 - 1997
Description: Body Size: F-Style - Body Construction: Solid - Inlay: Fern
A900 Image A900 Alvarez-Alvarez Yairi Mandolin - Vin 1981 - 1991
Description: # of Strings: 8 - Headstock: 4+4 - String Instrument Finish: Antique Amber
F- 5 Image F- 5 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1967
Description: SUNBURST, ~~00036019
Style K Mandolin-Banjo Image Style K Mandolin-Banjo Vega Mandolin - Vin 1926
Description: ~~00003959
KH-DAWG Image KH-DAWG Kentucky Mandolin - Vin 1983 - 1990
1 Image 1 Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1927
Description: SERIAL #28690-34435, ~~00009399
A- 1 Image A- 1 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1913
Description: NATURAL, ~~00014109
A-3 Image A-3 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1906
Description: Orange Top, Truss Rod
2 Image 2 Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1914
Description: BOWL BACK, ~~00005969
A Image A Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1913
Description: NATURAL TOP, ~~00011759
Washburn Prof A-Series Image Washburn Prof A-Series Washburn Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1920
Description: Body Size: A-Style - Back: Rosewood - Sides: Rosewood
A-50 Image A-50 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1960
Description: SUNBURST
40954 Image 40954 Martin Guitars Mandolin - Vin 1940
Description: SUNBURST, CARVED TOP/BACK, ~~00013879
F- 2 Image F- 2 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1911
Description: BLACK TOP, TORTOISE PICKGUARD, SERIAL #10762, ~~00028259
A-50 Image A-50 Gibson Mandolin - Vin 1935
Description: SUNBURST, ~~00017589
Kraft Image Kraft Kay Guitar Company Mandolin - Vin 1930
Description: # of Strings: 8 - String Instrument Finish: Sunburst
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